Friday, September 17, 2010

Please Join Our PTO

Helmwood Heights PTO
Membership Drive

Please consider JOINING.

Tracey Peterson will serve as PTO President for the 2010-2011 school year. Through her leadership, we will continue to strive to offer a variety of resources and activities to the students, parents and YOU! Resources raised by PTO activities will in turn go back to classroom supplies, cultural field trips, technology, library books, and teacher wish list; along with a many others items.

We welcome and encourage each of you to join us for the achievement of higher goals.

CONSIDER JOINING PTO 2010-2011 BY Sept. 24th:
1. Due are only $6.00
2. Send your money in with your child to give to the teacher.
3. Teacher’s Lounge: There is an envelope located on the white board in the teacher’s lounge that you can place your money and/or checks in.

Tanya Deneen

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