Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Types of Fossils
By Molly, Will, Adrian, Dalton, and C.J.

Hey you fossil finders! Here are some facts about the fossils at the Falls of Ohio. Corals are mostly found in the limestone at the falls. Trilobytes are extinct creatures that look like horseshoe crabs. Three examples that can be 3-D fossils are: shells, trilobytes, and other living organisms. Corals are very common in the Falls of Ohio. Corals can be hundreds of different colors however, you can’t tell what color the coral fossils once were.
Here are some important definitions: Corals are colorful sea creatures that look like plants but they are animals. Trilobytes are small ocean creatures. 3-D fossils are copies of bones that stick out of the ground. If you’d like to learn more go to

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